Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So quiet...

Thankfully, the reports of dead bodies and beaten proxies are waning. Only two in the past month. Still too risky to go out in the woods much, though we did take Sandra to see Super 8 the other day. Cool movie, very much Stand By Me meets Cloverfield.

We also finally got around to watching District 9. I take no shame in admitting that the little baby alien made me cry. Fucker was adorable. "We're the same! =) " I'm gonna go eat ice cream and sob about my lack of cute younger siblings now.

Rake's still acting like a curious little pupple half the time. The other half he talks, and that voice is damn scary. Sandra puts it as "spoken Zalgo-text". Fitting.

And Sandy's well. She could do without all the Tumblr talk of Slender's Memetic Molestation and Rake's potential to become one. Deauuurgh.


  1. I liked District 9 too.
    Oh, and don't worry. I have a plan, and you are a crucial part of it.

  2. could you tell me the name of your tumblr please? I haven't been able to find it on the profile... And I loved district 9 as well, the little baby was sooo cute :D

  3. @DragonGirl
    ...Really? it was the thing below the header!lol.
    Here is the address anyway.

  4. @gpowell71
    It strikes me that Slender would appreciate playing as the Spy. They do after all have a similar fashion sense.

    my apologies for my months of absence, even though I imagine I don't contribute much. I do have a question for Matt and Lya, and in an effort to keep Sandras swears to a minimum I'd ask you not show her the question.

    Do you hold the records of her birth? Was she adopted? I ask because from what I've noticed is that our various paranormal friends are seemingly immune to one another, and that she shares that same immunity. Which could be evidence that there's something more then what we can see going on.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh Alice, your tea is getting cold. Oh, and tell the faceless queen its tea is getting cold too.
    (and sorry for all the removed comments, don't worry I won't remove any more)

  8. This is an example of the ones who wish they were intertwined in the maze of illusion and improbability. They removed the blindfold, but saw nothing, so the fiction began.

  9. Who? ME? You. Have. No. IDEA!!! ;D

  10. No. The writers of this heap of lying prose.

  11. Dont let this prentensious peice of shit get you down. Everyone has different experiences with him. Hope you can renember me, Sandra.

  12. http://fighthimuntiltheend.blogspot.com/2011/07/first-post-i-guess.html?showComment=1310518255017#c6527843849990456405
    Thought I'd spread the word. Sandra, smack Slender for me.

  13. @gpowell71 I looked at the profile and I couldn't find it. Thanks for the link though!

    I like the comparisons Sandra makes for Slender, he has potential after all.....

  14. Oh shit. Okay, if you don't follow this girls tumblr, there is something you must see.
    We are royally fucked no matter what you take away from this.

  15. Very interesting. Invisible Proxies. Or even unnoticed proxies. Different methods, same effect. sort of.

    Considering how Sandra and co. could still see the Rake and Slender it seems as if Slenders power just allows them to be unnoticed. Like how you can look for your keys for an hour but not see them even though they are in plain sight.

  16. That... makes a hell of a lot of sense. This also explains why you can see them on camera, since the effect must be mental in nature, so it doesn't translate to a visual and audio based medium. Further research is needed. I'll keep anyone who follows me updated on what I can find.

  17. Hey Sandra, I was hoping you could give me a hand with a couple tests. If you can send slender my way and ask him to cooperate, I intend to take a scientific approach to some of his powers, notably his "invisibility". I know that you don't control him, but you two seem to be on good enough terms that you can ask him to sit still for a while while I run some tests. If this can't be done, this is fine, but I hope that you can convince him. -Arbiter

  18. Holy crap... Invisible proxies?! Well, as long as I have been following a few of the blogs, I'm screwed.
